
Pingdom and Super Monitoring compared

(How is Super Monitoring better than Pingdom)

Pingdom Super Monitoring
price of 1 page loading speed check plan $14.95/month $19.99/month
price of 3 page loading speed checks plan $45.95/month $19.99/month
price of 5 page loading speed checks plan $89.95/month $19.99/month
price of 10 page loading speed checks plan $249/month $29.99/month
price of 20 page loading speed checks plan $249/month $39.99/month
price of 1 transaction check plan $14.95/month $29.99/month
price of 3 transaction checks plan $45.95/month $29.99/month
price of 5 transaction checks plan $89.95/month $29.99/month
price of 10 transaction checks plan $249/month $29.99/month
price of 20 transaction checks plan $249/month $39.99/month
SMS credits per one check per month from 1.82 to 4.55 from 8 to 15
max frequency of page loading speed monitoring 30 minutes 10 minutes
file integrity monitoring (detecting unauthorized changes)
domain expiration monitoring
SSL certificate expiration monitoring
blacklists monitoring
detecting search engine robots blockade (robots.txt & meta robots)
Google Analytics integration
setting custom max server response time
using OR & AND operators with phrase matching
ability to check multiple phrases with a single check
maintenance windows starting at $89.95/month all plans